Project 3: A weather web app! ☀️

Another web application built using flask! but this time i’m building this to get familiar with APIs I used to find the weather in toronto at any given time and according to the state it also prints a emoji.

def weather():
    response = requests.get('')
    x = response.json()

    y = x["consolidated_weather"]
    current_state = y[0]
    state = current_state['weather_state_name']
    temp = current_state['the_temp']
    l = 'l'

now for the different states

    if (state == 'snow'):
        l = '🌨' 
    elif(state== 'Thunderstorm'):
        l = '🌩' 
    elif(state == 'Showers'):
        l = '⛈'
    elif(state == 'Clear'):
        l = '☀️'
    elif(state == 'Heavy Cloud'):
        l = '☁️'
    elif(state == 'Light Cloud'):
        l = '🌥'
    return render_template('weather.html', state=state,temp=temp,emoji=l)

For now you can see the code here: